Dream... Play... Create!

Hola world 🌍  ...trying to get back into art music & creativity .... Organizing projects which is difficult... my mind is scattered like a scrambled egg 🍳

"♫ We need to take it back in time... when music made us all unite! ♫ ... Play with ∞ love ♥"

Artists I met Love & respect with all my heart

Aurora A Ben K   Birdy  Carlie H.608 Chris B Diego M Julia Nunes

Other Projects made with 

∞ love ♥  by Sergio Miguel Legorreta  (@youstudios)

Aurora la dios voz y el nombre del viento Magic Music Box 

Peace Love & RocknRoll !

Watch us on YouTube ! Rock out at YouStudios.com Build Your Own at YouStudiO.org Created by people@ YourStudiO.org